What Can I Say?

Aw naw! She's back!

Aw naw! She’s back!

I canny imagine you’ve missed me but maybe you’ve noticed I’ve been missing. It’s not that I’ve not had anything to write about; I’ve had loads. It’s not even like I’m not in front of a computer all day, I could have written a full novel at this rate.

So what have I been doing? I got accepted for Glasgow Uni at the beginning of last year. Strathclyde rejected me on the basis that “they didn’t have a Sociology department anymore and anyway (your) qualifications aren’t good enough any more”. Arseholes. This put me in the shit for my SAAS application. Aside from the fact I’d already had previous funding, I wouldn’t be allowed repeat year funding (even on medical grounds) because I wasn’t studying the same course at the same University. Never mind that it’s impossible, I was told that SAAS’s ‘hands were tied’. Ack, a little thing like University fees of £1820 for the semester wouldn’t stop me. I worked out, based on my meagre SLC award I’d be able to pay a reasonable amount to the fees per month to have it all paid by the end of the Semester. So I quit work in August(?) and started Uni in September.

Pretty much!

It’s funny; the whole point of going back to Uni was to kick-start my writing again. I’ve always wanted to get a Degree and unfortunately other things got in the way the last (two times) I was there. I wouldn’t say it’s been any easier this time; although this time I have the best support possible and a staunch group of cheerleaders egging me on at every stage. I’m sitting my exams just now and, frankly, I’m shitting myself. I don’t know how they are going to go. I’ve been busy and I’ve not been in the right frame of mind to write in ages.

Not that I’ve been short of subjects to write about, mind you. So much has changed for me since last year it almost feels strange to come back here. It’s a bit like walking into a place you used to live and nothing has been changed, even though it feels like forever since you left. That’s a weird feeling.

And not even just little old me, everything in the world seems different; more corrupt, more unequal, less about people who need help and more about people who need stamped out of society. Ack, what can I say? It was bound to happen, wasn’t it?



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