One Of Those Days

I’ve been on backshifts.


Backshifts really are the devil’s arsehole. Nothing makes me more annoyed at not having ownership of my own labour, than being at the mercy of shift schedules which force me to work 1-9’s.

Everyone should finish at 5pm, everyone; office staff, … Actually, I can only think of office staff because I think that Chinese and Indian takeaways should still be able to deliver me food at 11pm, and shops; shops should still be open so I can get milk and bread after work because I don’t get a chance to go beforehand.

So, office workers should definitely ALL finish at 5pm. Actually, not the people who work in the offices at SAAS – they should be made to work from dusk till dawn so that people don’t have to join a call queue at number 52 and wait 45 minutes on hold. Or SAAS should just take on more staff. As should HMRC; then they could have enough time to deal with my enquiry properly instead of rushing me off the line after 2 minutes (also I’d like a job there).

Having to sit tight and watch colleagues skip gleefully (they may as well!) out of the office at 5pm is sheer misery. The rest of the night is measured out in painful reminders. There is so much I could be doing right now; at half five, I would be on my street; at half six, I would be settling down to Reporting Scotland.  Miserable, miserable, miserable. Stupid capitalism.

I sacrificed 2 hours holiday leave to escape early. I’m weak. I’m also a FOOL; if I’d had any sense I’d have stayed in work so as not to have to listen to the stupid football on the television. The boy’s love it but it’s a bit harsh on the old melon after a shift.

Also, is there any way for B1rds3y3 Steamfresh frozen fish NOT to come out spongy, with a tangy oily after-taste that coats the back of your throat – the way that, say, lip gloss might if you got a bit overexuberant with it? If there is, then I’d like to find out soon since I have to eat it for dinner most nights to control calories.

Anyway, I’m just grumpy because I have to start at 8am (which means being up at 6am!!) and I’m still in backshift ‘being-awake-till-1am-sleeping-till-9am’ mode.

I shouldn’t really complain…


6 thoughts on “One Of Those Days

  1. and i quote:

    alannaonline said…


    I know what you mean about Facebook and all the blogs dying a death. IIt’s a pain in the hole. I never connected it before though.

    What I’m going to do is visit my blogs twice a week and im going to post one blog post a week. I’ll also be limiting my twitter and facebook as well.

    So I’ll be here often and i hope yous will visit me.

    Fuck Facebook. Fuck it right in the ASS.

    So get ready for mer shite patter on ma blog. And please comment but if you don’t then it’s cool ill no spit the dummy oot and delete my blog or anything. That would be shite.


    August 14, 2011 at 12:02 PM

    so where u been?

  2. ANNO ANNO ANNO!!! I’m dein it. It’s just taken me ages. I’m working on something, i’ll let ye know.

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