David Duchovny: Sex Addict Shocker?

Reuters – Friday, August 29 02:01 am

We should have seen this coming...no pun intended!

We should have seen this coming...

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – “X-Files” star David Duchovny, who currently plays a womanizing writer on the cable television series “Californication,” said on Thursday he has entered a facility for treatment of sex addiction.

(Reporting by Steve Gorman; Editing by Eric Beech)


The dolls are facing towards him. Wrong!

Who faced those russian dolls toward his crotch? Wrong!

I was feeling a bit depressed today but this story has really really cheered me up. No, not because I particularly like laughing at other peoples distress, just simply because of the quote from his lawyer;

“I ask for respect and privacy for my wife and children as we deal with this situation as a family.”

No, David, please…for the love of god…leave your children out of it. They don’t need to know about this surely…

Is Sex Addiction a real addiction?

Here Comes The Science Bit….

Here is a list of behaviour patterns that indicate someone has a sexual compulsion which I want you to read, then imagine Mulder from the X-Files having these symptoms…you couldn’t make it up could you?

      1. Distress, anxiety, restlessness, or violence if unable to engage in the behavior.
  • Recurrent failure (pattern) to resist impulses to engage in extreme acts of lewd sex.
  • Frequent engaging in those behaviors to a greater extent or over a longer period of time than intended.
  • Persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to stop, reduce, or control those behaviors.
  • Inordinate amount of time spent in obtaining sex, being sexual, or recovering from sexual experience.
  • Preoccupation with the behavior or preparatory activities.
  • Frequent engaging in violent sexual behavior when expected to fulfill occupational, academic, domestic, or social obligations.
  • Continuation of the behavior despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent social, financial, psychological, or physical problem that is caused or exacerbated by the behavior.
  • Need to increase the intensity, frequency, number, or risk of behaviors to achieve the desired effect, or diminished effect with continued behaviors at the same level of intensity, frequency, number, or risk.
  • Giving up or limiting social, occupational, or recreational activities because of the behavior.

He was my favourite actor as a kid, I thought he was so handsome and wholesome…then I found out he used to be a soft porn actor…. now I am totally distressed.



Don’t forget to like/share/comment/subscribe to my blog. I post every few days. I’ll love you forever.

Elderly Lady Rides Baggage Chute in ‘Check-In Misunderstanding’. Aye Right!

Sneaky sneaky

Sneaky sneaky

STOCKHOLM (AFP) – An elderly woman misunderstood instructions while checking in at Sweden’s main airport and was whisked down a baggage chute after she placed herself instead of her luggage on the belt, media reported Wednesday.

The 78-year-old woman, who was not named, was preparing to fly from Stockholm’s Arlanda airport to Germany on Tuesday when she lay down on an unmanned baggage belt in the belief she was following check-in instructions, the Upsala Nya Tidning local daily reported on its website.

She was quickly swept off to the baggage handling centre, where staff members helped get her back on her feet.

The woman suffered no serious injury and caught her flight as planned.

Aye right! I bet she knew what she was doing. She’s got to 78 year old, she’s been wanting to ride that baggage chute in an airport since she was younger but never thought she’d get away with it. She get’s to 78 and thinks to herself, ‘fuck it, im takin a wee ride here!’ climbs aboard and then uses the dottery auld wummin line. I admire her, I hope I get like that when im 78. Sneaky Sneaky!!

US Politics And The Obama Issue

I started this blog last night after I posted a comment on Limmy’s Blog. I felt it was fairly urgent to follow up what I was saying there with the point I’m just about to make. As it is, I got distracted and ended up with an unfinished draft.

Whenever the subject of US Politics is brought up, namely the US Presidential Candidates- I simply say, ” I dont, care!”, this is always met with a sentiment of horror and a reply along the lines of, ” Well, you should care because this will affect the rest of the world- especially the UK!”

You see, right though that may be, no amount of you or I caring about who will become the future US President, will change the outcome. It’s barely the decision of the people in America. The degree of private and elite interests in both the selection of the candidate and the influence on elections is unparalleled.

The fact that the Obama/Hilary/McCain debate outstretched itself to almost every facet of UK public media on a daily basis gave me a severe case of political fatigue. Now that Obama is the presidential candidate, the hype surrounding him seems to have grown and grown. I have never really had a problem with Obama because, as I don’t think it will make a huge difference to my own life, he may make the biggest difference in terms of social confidence within the black community. In other words, a black president may give a large section of America a greater chance at increased social mobility. This in turn would decrease the polarity in black and white levels of opportunity, probably not a massive amount at first or even within the next decade, but the psychological impact on black children to aspire and achieve, and the inclination of some sections of white society to supress and homogenise elite institutions would be reduced. This isn’t to say that all black people lack aspiration or that all white people suppress and prejudge, of course that isn’t the case, but where the problem’s exist, hopefully, a light will be shone.

Did Deval Patrick miss out because of old fashioned aesthetics?

Did Deval Patrick miss out because of old fashioned aesthetics?

My only issue, and maybe it is one that has been prevalent in the other campagnes, maybe it’s fairly comment, is the fact that Obama seems to have lacked- at certain points, the ability to speak for himself. the incident’s I am referring to are the ones where he seems to have been rehashing speeches from another person. Although, the sad fact is, Deval Patrick seems to have more of an impact in both instances of the ‘speechgate’ incidents. It begs the question, what stopped Deval reaching the heights which Obama scaled? Is he too too black? I honestly don’t know the answer to that question. It could simply be a case of merit for all I know. Although I’ll let you judge this next clip yourselves.

I know what you are thinking. If I don’t care so much, why do I have so many opinions right? The short answer is, who could fail to have an opinion in this election? As I said before, it’s being rammed down our necks on a regular basis. This time, there is more at stake than simply a job- it seems as though, in some circles (and by no means am I putting this at the candidates door) that this is a battle of ideology in the fundamental structure of American social psychology.

Moreover, another major issue I have is the fact that WordPress seems to dedicate an inordinate amount of featured blogs on American issue’s, namely this election. It seems to be an exclusively American front page. I think more room needs to be given to other political issue’s outwith America, they do exist you see. So I say let’s forget about the Obama issue for a while and let some other issues and writing get a look in.

Personal Ad’s: Your Guide To Euphemisms

Slim/Medium build = no tits, big arse

Bubbly= fat

Cuddly= really fat

a few extra pounds= Morbidly obese, only suitable for home visits and may require help to wash

Curvey= fat, with a chin like Desperate Dan!

Sociable= alcoholic

Good sense of humour = ugly

Colourful = tourette’s

Lively= manic depressive

traditional= prude

Loving = obsessive

Unique = transexual (pre op)

Different = ” (post op)

Honest = without social skills

Wacky = without social skills

Interesting = kinky

Adventurous = very kinky

Warm = slut

Open Minded = Dim

Sincere = German

I also came across this website which is hilarious!

Johnson’s Baby Wipes

  1. Crayon from walls, and fabric sofa
  2. Biro from leather (set biro no just freshly done…i mean years old pen stain here.)
  3. Coca Cola stains from carpets
  4. Grease stains on wallpaper
  5. Paint stains on carpet
  6. Purple Hair Dye on leather sofa

No, I’m not talking about a miracle stain remover. So, how good for a baby’s skin can baby’s wipes actually be when they can remove all these stains? I’m not joking. What is in them? 🙂

Imperfect List

This was an exercise undertaken in our Sociology Lecture in our first year taken by Professor Colin Clark. Each student in the lecture hall( around 300-350) wrote down their top 5 “Imperfect List” items. Basically a list of things which they felt made the world worse, or just generally sucked. One item was taken from every single person’s list to form The Imperfect List 2006.


Imperfect List (2006)

The Top Five…

Iraq / Bush / Blair

Terrorism / Sept 11th / July 7th
Child abuse / paedophiles
The murder of Jessica and Holly

Imperfect List Mix (2006) (1)

Getting your ♥ broken
Self-loving politicians
The failure of the G8 summit to change anything
An obsession with celebrity (Paris Hilton)
Lea from ‘Big Brother’
Size 0 Models

Imperfect List Mix (2006) (2)

Knife culture
Capital punishment
Death of an Icon (Steve Irwin)
The Scissor Sisters
Hurricane Katrina

Imperfect List Mix (2006) (3)

Solvent abuse
The Battle of the Beanfield (1985)
September 11th
July 7th
All terrorism
Grace from ‘Big Brother’
Unfair trade
Beslan (2004)

Imperfect List Mix (2006) (4)

Stepping in poo
Wet armpits
The hold of corporations over politics
Girls who think they are fat when they are not
Being made to feel 10 inches tall
Russell Fucking Brand

Imperfect List Mix (2006) (5)

Everyone running everywhere
The grey cloud over Albert Square
Binge drinking
Feeling lost
English football pundits
Control freaks
Boyfriend stealing skanks
Being bursting for the toilet

Imperfect List Mix (2006) (6)

Stubbing your toe
Arrogant bastard club bouncers
The Krankies
The Next Big Thing
The death of John Peel (RIP)
Wayne Rooney, in general
Cheap shoes
Txt speak

Imperfect List Mix (2006) (7)

Family secrets / feuds
Poor camera angles in video games
‘Ned’ / ‘chav’ culture
Alzheimer’s Disease (the long goodbye)
Bad Hair Day
Eating disorders

Imperfect List Mix (2006) (8)

Most of Living TV’s programming
The global sex trade
Missing people
The smoking ban
Air pollution
The Child Support Agency
Liars, cheats, perverts, heart breakers…
Michael Jackson not being imprisoned

Imperfect List Mix (2006) (9)

Footballers wages
The tabloid press
Crappy relationships
Farts in elevators
Tommy Sheridan
People who want to cross at traffic lights without pushing the button
Keys in locked rooms

Imperfect List Mix (2006) (10)
Guys who don’t text back
Fake friends
The death of a loved one
Parents who don’t give a damn
Gobby Lily Allen

Imperfect List Mix (2006) (11)

Fast food culture
Harvard referencing system
T in the Park toilets
Folk who moan about nothing
Shite pop acts expecting everything for nothing
Mobile phone ring tones
Rangers, Celtic, Old Firm, Lennon, Ricksen…

Imperfect List Mix (2006) (12)

Attention seekers
Voter apathy – and its causes
Hair straighteners breaking
Sore feet
Anything Von Dutch
Private schools
The Clydebank Post newspaper
The price of organic food (£8.25 for a chicken?)

Imperfect List Mix (2006) (13)

Bad manners
Rich people dressing like they are poor
Hangover from hell
Fat children
Smear tests
Snobby folk
Junkies not using contraception

Imperfect List Mix (2006) (14)

Being wrong
The death of Kurt Cobain
People who talk while they eat
Crazy Frog
Pee on the toilet seat
Dunblane massacre (1996)
Away goals rule

Imperfect List Mix (2006) (15)

Rude customers
One night stands
Misconceptions about Islam
Harold Shipman
People who park in disabled spaces without being disabled
My dad
People who disappoint

Imperfect List Mix (2006) (16)

Lovely clothes that when you try them on never, NEVER fit.
People who say they hate Brussel Sprouts before they’ve even tried them
Heart disease
Being permanently skint

Imperfect List Mix (2006) (17)

Absent fathers
Morrison’s Supermarket
Bus drivers
And… the one that melted me…
“The fact that 20 strangers will sit on the bus and not one will turn and offer a tissue to the crying girl nearby them.”


Let me know what would be on your imperfect list.

Don’t forget to like/share/comment/subscribe to my blog. I post every few days. I’ll love you forever.

Losing My Baby

This is an incident that happened when Andrew was around 9 months old. I had just started back at University and things were going fine. It was the week my first essay submissions were due and the boys had winter colds. …But events took a harrowing turn.

I’d spent most of that day at the Library. The weather outside was wet and miserable. I’d sat and read for a long time listening to the rain beat against a nearby window, seeing it get darker and darker out there from the corner of my eye. Finally, as the last of the daylight slid out of the sky, I borrowed some books and left for home.

I got on the 38 from the bus stop outside the library, then the 57 at Union Street. The city centre was very busy with people making their way home from work and it took a long time to get out of the busy traffic. It took a good half hour longer to get to my bus stop outside Andrew’s nursery.

When i got in the girl’s reported that Andrew wasn’t really himself, he hadn’t eaten (very very unlike him), he’d cried quite a bit (quite like him) and he had just had a wee bad day. When I picked him up I noticed immediately he looked ill. His eyes were glazed, he seemed quite limp and sad.

I put his hat and coat on, put him in the buggy and practically ran up the road. Now people who know me, all know i am not one to panic, especially when it comes to the boys being sick because they are at daycare and usually pick everything going.

But by the time i picked Laurence up at his daycare, Andrew looked worse. I picked him out the buggy and he was totally limp. His temperature was sky high and his eyes were rolling about in his head.

When I got home I phoned NHS 24, who said to take him to A&E immediately. We got staight in the car.

I sat in the back seat, with Andrew wrapped in a blanket and I held him in my arms. He drifted in and out of semi-consciousness and I couldn’t get any kind of response or reaction from him. Then he lost consciousness altogether.

I lost it. I was crying so much i could hardly speak. I thought the was going to die, I honestly thought my beautiful little boy was going to die in my arms in the back seat of the car. I held his little limp body and stroked his cheek. I thought about how, because I’d suffered such bad post-natal depression, I hadn’t bonded with him for months- I hadn’t loved him. But that had changed and now I loved him with every inch of my heart- and here I was…losing him.

Laurence stopped the car outside the A&E door and I ran into the hospital. The receptionist took one look at me, this red, mascara stained faced girl holding a limp baby boy, who couldn’t really string a sentence together and told me to go straight to the cubicles.

I clung to my son and walked up a long corridor until I came to a room where a bunch of A&E doctors were standing around talking, looking relaxed, probably enjoying a rare quiet moment in a Glasgow ward. I stood at the door until they had all noticed me, which seemed like ages but was probably just a second or two, they fell silent.

They just stood looking at me with a strange stricken look on their faces, looking pretty terrified. The scene must have been frightening. Here was a young mother, a complete emotional wreck, clutching a limp little baby in her arms. No wonder nobody rushed over immediately…they were probably too scared to because they thought the worst. I don’t blame them.

A young, really good-looking male doctor came over to me and took Andrew off me. I tried to explain what was wrong but it was so hard i was crying so much.

After some more attempts to rouse him, Andrew came round. He opened his eyes but he was very limp and hot. The doctor immediately gave him some medicine to bring down his temperature. It was dangerously high.

He decided Andrew had an infection of some sort which he couldn’t locate the source, and Andrew was rushed to Yorkhill.

By this point, the temperature had come down and he was a little more responsive. Yorkhill, gave him more medicine for his temperature and slowly he came round to normal.

Andrew had had a febrile convulsion which happens when the temperature of a child spikes too quickly. Now I realise it was probably because i put his hat and jacket on when I picked him up from daycare, but it’s a natural instinct for a mother to want to keep her sick child warm on a winter night.

We left the hospital at around 9 o’clock at night. My heart was in tatters. Next day Andrew was perfectly normal. Happy, busy etc.
Alanna xxxxxxxx

Top 5 Funniest Movies (Reviewed)

Im bored and i want to see if people agree with me on this;

  1. Anchorman
  2. Grandma’s Boy
  3. Old Skool
  4. Road Trip
  5. Meet The Parents

Btw, this is a sort of work in progress I think. If anyone has better suggestions that would be great because my mind is totally blank.


Ok folks, thanks to Mark at http://granitecapitalcity.blogspot.com

OK – Following my own advice, and starting from the 1960s cos apart from Marx Brothers movies I’m not that well versed on comedy movies from before then, here goes:


1. Dr Strangelove
2. The Producers
3. The Apartment
4. The Pink Panther
5. The Odd Couple


1. Life of Brian
2. Monty Python and The Holy Grail
3. Blazing Saddles
4. Annie Hall
5. The Muppet Movie


1. This Is Spinal Tap
2. Trading Places
3. Ghostbusters
4. The Goonies
5. Raising Arizona


1. The Big Lebowski
2. South Park: Bigger Longer & Uncut
3. The Commitments
4. Being John Malkovich
5. Groundhog Day


1. O Brother Where Art Thou
2. Little Miss Sunshine
3. Meet The Parents
4. Be Kind Rewind
5. Dodgeball

Any additions or further suggestions let me know folks !