Breaking Bad


I’ve been watching Breaking Bad for the past wee while. It’s excellent. I can’t recommend it enough.

It’s a straight laced chemistry teacher who, upon being diagnosed with lung cancer, turns to crime to put money away for his family when he’s gone. He turns to cooking meth.

I’m not going to explain any more. If you haven’t seen it then you should. It’s got some of the best performances of any tv series I’ve seen in a long time.

I never watched The Sopranos but I will get round to that.

Anyway, what has been your favourite tv series and why? IF you’ve watched Breaking Bad then tell me what you think of it.

I’m going to be here a lot more and to do that I will be taking down my time on twitter and Facebook. I think that blogging is worth doing and I feel as though that Twitter and Facebook make it easy for people to spew random brain shite all over the internet, with a captive audience and ready feedback for their shite. That’s the point though, it’s too easy.

So come in, take your shoes off and let’s fucking talk ok?